Release Notes 23.08.2022

Find here an overview of the newest releases we shipped to the platform

👍New Features

  • Combined the Net sentiment over time chart (from the project overview) and the Sentiment module into one: you can now select a breakdown option and see the net sentiment over time for all the meta values under the selected breakdown option (e.g. Brand > Brand 1, Brand 2, Brand3). You also see a new dropdown box. You can select one of the available values from this dropdown to get insights only about it
  • You can now find all files attached to a project grouped under the section ‘Attachments’ in the side navigation



  • Most of the 'Overview' tabs from the different modules are now accessible even in projects which do not have breakdown options. A 'Total' row is being shown

Fixed Issues

  • Sidebar charts appearing although the module they belong to was not activated
  • Fixed some browser caching  issues