Symanto Insights Assistant provides immediate answers to your questions based on your specific dataset. Here are some best practices to let the assistant work for you.
1. What is the Symanto Insights Assistant?
2. Some general guidelines
3. Example Questions
4. Questions the Assistant can’t handle yet
1. What is the Symanto Insights Assistant?
The Symanto Insights Assistant is a chatbot that answers insights questions based on your specific dataset immediately. It helps you to summarise key findings from consumer opinions and zoom into the details of those key insights. It can also provide you with direct references from your data to support your insights.
2. Some general guidelines:
Adding more details to your question will help the Assistant understand the context and identify the relevant data for your answer.
If you get a response such as “Sorry, there is no explicit information about this question”, it means the Assistant couldn’t find data from your dataset that is directly relevant to your question. Try to reformulate the question or refer to example questions.
3. Example Questions
To get an immediate understanding of consumer opinion about the brand/product/feature
What do people talk about Nike?

To glean competitive insights
What footwear brands do people mention?

To understand user needs and segment

4. Questions the Assistant can’t handle yet
Statistical & mathematical questions
❌How many comments are about Nike?
❌ What is the net sentiment of the checkout function?
Frequency & weighted questions
❌What are the most frequent use cases for ChatGPT?
(Assistant may provide an answer but the results are likely not the most frequent ones by strict counts)