What is Brand Recommendation?

Learn all about Brand Recommendation and how it is calculated

1. About Brand Recommendation

2. What is the definition of Promoter, Detractor, and Indifferent?

3. What is 'Emotional Connection'?

4. How is the 'SRS' being calculated?

5. How to use Brand Recommendation in your project

1. About Brand Recommendation

Symanto has developed a metric that classifies each post into Promote, Detract, and Indifferent.
It tells you the perceived influence of a post on others. The aggregated level of this analysis tells you whether consumers are recommending a brand to others or not. The 'Brand Recommendation' module is the last module in the navigation on the left. 

2. What is the definition of Promoter, Detractor, and Indifferent?

Users writing promoting or detracting posts have a strong opinion in favor or against a certain brand or product. They tend to be very action-seeking and therefore influence others in their buying decisions. Promoters tend to use phrases like "I'd buy this again" or "a must-see" while detractors tend to use phrases like "bad value for money" or "below than expected".

Tip: If you hover over the terms Detract, Indifferent, Promote in the legend at the top right you will find a short explanation for each of those terms.

3. What is 'Emotional Connection'?

 The 'Emotional Connection' shows the proportion of emotional promoters of a brand or product. The higher this number, the better it is for the company, as emotionally connected customers are more than twice as valuable as highly satisfied customers.

4. How is the 'SRS' being calculated?

The SRS = Symanto Recommendation Score
It allows you to compare the selected brands or products by their overall score calculated from the detractors and promoters. The higher the score, the better. 

SRS = % of promoter - % of detractor

For Streaming Service 'Netflix' the valule of Promoters is 18%, Detractors 56%; following the calculation for the SRS: 18% - 56% = -39%
The Symanto Recommendation Score is -39% as shown.

5. How to use Brand Recommendation in your project

Go here to find out more about how to work with the Brand Recommendation module: How to use Brand Recommendation