In 'Net Sentiment Over Time' you can see the development of post volume and net sentiment vs. the industry average net sentiment over time
1. What is Net Sentiment?
2. How to use Net Sentiment over time
1. What is Net Sentiment?
Net Sentiment = [(count of positive terms - count of negative terms)/ total count of terms] *100
If you want to read more about Net Sentiment please visit our FAQs page: What is Net Sentiment?
2. How to use Net Sentiment over time
- Select a value e.g. Brand, Product, etc you want to see post volume and net sentiment development for
- Click here to change the value you want to monitor
- Click here to export the data as CSV or PNG
- Click here to apply different filters to your data. You can filter for a specific Category or Topic, Personality (emotional or rational posts), Sentiment, Recommendation (Promoter, Detractor, Indifferent), Psychographic Segment, your own meta fields (e.g. brand, product etc), enter a specific date range or search for keywords
- Click here to group data by day, month, or year