Module activation

1. Module Explorer

2. The Modules

2.1. Topic & Sentiment Detection

2.2. Sentiment Analysis

2.3. Personality Traits

2.4. Psychographic Segments

2.5. Communication Style

2.6. Brand Recommendation

2.7. Ekman Emotions

2.8. Rating Impact Analysis

2.9. Verbatim Coding

1. Module Explorer

Projects are built up by independent text analytics modules: these modules can be combined freely to serve your needs better. Once you have created a project you can activate all the different modules and add them to your project.

This is how it works:

1) Create a new project
2) Go to the module explorer (sidebar left)

3) Enable one or multiple modules based on your project needs

4) The module will appear in your navigation and a few moments later insights will be available

2. The Modules

2.1. Topic and Sentiment Detection

In order to activate the Topic & Sentiment Analysis, you need to select a predefined Use Case or re-use the configuration from one of your existing projects. Once done, it will find and help to understand topics and understand their sentiment.

Want to know more about Uses Cases? Read our article about Use Cases here.

2.2. Sentiment Analysis

By activating the sentiment analysis you will be able to understand whether if the written texts coming from your data are overall positive, negative or neutral.


Click here if you want to find out more about our Sentiment Analysis.

2.3. Personality Traits

The Personality Traits module will help you to understand whether a text has been written emotionally or rationally.

Click here if you want to find out more about Personality Traits.

2.4. Psychographic Segments

Our Psychographics Segments will help you to evaluate your customer base value by combining customer personality and sentiment tonality into 4 different segments as well as emotional connection.

Click here if you want to find out more about the Psychographic Segments.

2.5. Communication Style

The Communication Style module with its four characteristics (Action-Seeking vs. Information-Seeking and Fact-Oriented vs. Self-Revealing), helps us detect the purpose of a text. 

Click here if you want to find out more about the Communication Styles.

2.6. Brand Recommendation

Brand Recommendation is a metric that classifies each post into Promote, Detract, and Indifferent.
It will help you to understand whether consumers are brand promoters or detractors/recommending a brand to others or not.

Click here if you want to find out more about Brand Recommendation.


2.7. Ekman Emotions

The Ekman Emotions module detects the emotion expressed in a text based on Ekman’s emotion theory.

Click here if you want to find out more about our Emotion Analysis.


2.8. Rating Impact Analysis

Rating Impact Analysis shows the influence of a specific topic/category on the overall rating.

Click here if you want to find out more about our Rating Impact Analysis.